A Little About How We Got Started

When I grew up a heavily bearded man meant one of two things the man could skin a coyote gut a deer or fillet a fish and cook the fish over an open fire that he started himself by rubbing two sticks together. The second thing a big thick beard could mean is he rode a Harley-Davidson motorcycle, and perhaps drank a little too much. Sometimes it meant both. The beards signified a way of life. Today it just means your in style and the ladies like men with beards…they call it the lumber sexual look! If you have a beard because your an outdoors-men, you ride a Harley or you are into the lumber sexual look our products are designed to make your beard look its best.My wife Crystal is a product “mixologist” and tests her products on our bearded friends. You can be sure some guy who rides a Harley or just skinned a coyote has tested our products before they are ever put on the market. We use only the best all natural, good for you and good for the earth ingredients in our products.  — Jacob Reid


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